Welcome Oh Ramadan! (Audio Course)

With a unique reward incomparable to other acts of worship, fasting is an action that goes beyond controlling the physical appetites. A shield for the heart, it is an effective means of seeking nearness to Allah and purifying the soul, provided we are aware of the spiritual realities that must be present in our external fast.  This six-part audio course is designed to provide a thorough exploration of the spiritual dimensions to this most precious act of worship. 

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome! Ahlan wa Sahlan wa Marhaban Bikum!

    1. Session Summaries

    2. 01 Understanding the Spirit of Fasting

    3. 02 The Virtues of Ramadan and Self-Purification

    4. 03 Intelligence and Moderation in Eating

    5. 04 Merits of Devotional Abstinence

    6. 05 Reaching The Higher Levels of Fasting

    7. 06 Connecting to the External Dimensions of the Fast

    8. Inner Dimensions of Fasting (Audio Series Notes)

About this course

  • Free
  • 9 lessons

Lectures Contents

Session 1: Understanding the Spirit of Fasting

  • Spiritual Life in Our Activities
  • Linguistic Analysis of Ramadan and Saum
  • The Command to Fast in Surah Baqarah
  • Acting For the Sake of Allah
  • Celebrating the Heart, not the Nafs

Session 2: The Virtues of Ramadan and Self-Purification

  • Ramadan the Guest
  • Nearness to Allah and the Night of Power
  • The Meaning of the Chaining of the Devils
  • Insight into the State of our Soul
  • The Opening of the Gates of Paradise
  • Testimony of Fasting
  • Fasting is For Me
  • Removing Harshness
  • Causes of Hardening of the Heart

Session 3: Intelligence and Moderation in Eating

  • Condition of the Modern World
  • 'Aql Vs. Intelligence
  • Eating to Satiation
  • Moderation in Eating
  • The Eating Habits of the Earlier Generations
  • Wiswaas and Eating
  • Gardens of Hunger

Session 4: Merits of Devotional Abstinence

  • Devotional Abstinence
  • Are We Interested in Wilayah?
  • Silence and Keeping Away From Sins
  • Answering of Our Supplications
  • Discovering the Greatest Name of Allah
  • Excesses in Eating
  • How Much Should We Eat?

Session 5: Reaching the Higher Levels of Fasting

  • Fasting of the Senses and Limbs
  • Essence of Fasting
  • Be Ihsaan Oriented
  • To Give Instead of To Require
  • Fasting of the Heart
  • The Sunnah of the Quloob

Session 6: Connecting to the External Dimensions of the Fast

  • The Obligation of Fasting
  • The Intention
  • The Conditions for Obligation of Fasting
  • Concessions Not to Fast
  • The Wisdom of Concessions
  • Fidya
  • The Merits of Suhoor
  • On Hastening Iftaar
  • Increasing Supplication and Generosity
  • A Diet of Qur'an
  • Being the Generous Host and a Good Guest During Ramadan
  • The Reward for Those Who Cannot Fast
  • Fasting in Shawwal
  • On Visitors to the Masjid During Ramadan


Mokhtar Maghraoui


With decades of experience as a scholar, Imam, teacher and spiritual mentor, Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui is widely loved and revered. He is thoroughly versed in both the external and internal sacred Islamic sciences and holds a doctorate that joins between the fields of theoretical physics and engineering. Please read his full biography, as well as the biography of his spiritual mentor, Shaykh Muhammad Emin Er (may Allah sanctify his soul), here: here:

Discover the beauty of fasting and fall in love with the gift of Ramadan!