Audio Seminar Description

Many of us may know the external fiqh of salah, and what is required and mandatory for our salah to be insha'Allah accepted, but what about the internal and also important aspects?  We are in salah what we are outside of it, and for this reason, it is important to prepare one's qalb (heart) for the "journey of salaah". 

It is the means by we which we ascend to Allah (`azza wa jall) with our hearts, and the reality of it is a deep connectedness to Him (subhanahu wa ta`ala).  

In this powerfully delivered set of lectures, Shaykh Mokhtar Maghraoui depicts the beauty of this ibadah, if done properly and with the utmost presence of the heart. 

He discusses the hidden dialogue between the abd and His Creator (`azza wa jall) in surat al-Fatihah, and illuminates to us the manifestations of khushu (humility and stillness) in the external acts, including ruku' and sujud, as an immediate reaction to the softening of the qalb while in salah.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome! Ahlan wa Sahlan wa Marhaban Bikum!

    2. Audio Seminar Description - Inner Dimensions of Salah

    1. Inner Dimensions of Salah - Part 1

    2. Notes: Inner Dimensions of Salah - Part 1

    1. Inner Dimensions of Salah - Part 2

    2. Notes: Inner Dimensions of Salah - Part 2

    1. Inner Dimensions of Salah - Part 3

    2. Notes: Inner Dimensions of Salah - Part 3

    1. Audio Lecture - Inner Dimensions of Wudu'

    2. Lecture Notes - Inner Dimensions of Wudu'

About this course

  • Free
  • 10 lessons